Pregnant women have a good idea of what will happen to their stomach during pregnancy. What many of them may not be aware of is the lasting effects that pregnancy can have on their stomach after they have given birth to their child.
After pregnancy, many women may notice that they have a noticeable stomach bulge that they just can’t seem to get rid of, no matter how well they eat or how much they exercise. The reason these methods don’t work is because the issue is not due to excess stomach fat alone.
These women suffer from a condition known as diastasis recti, which occurs when the abdominal muscles become separated due to the strain they experience during pregnancy. The muscle separation and drooping ruins the flat appearance of your abdomen.
If you are suffering from diastasis recti, plastic surgeon Dr. Roberto Segovia can tighten your abdominal muscles and restore your flat abdomen by performing an abdominoplasty procedure. Contact us to schedule a consultation.